Category: Events

Second Roundtable in Śląskie Region – Poland

3 March 2023 – Physical
The second Regional Roundtable on Energy Efficiency Financing in the Slaskie voivodeship was attended by 41 participants, including 8 representatives from the financial sector. In addition to a plenary the event had two parallel events on support for investors and SMEs respectively

Second Roundtable in Lower Silesian Region Poland

6 November 2022 and 8 March 2023
The background of the roundtable was primarily the Renovation Strategy adopted by the Government, defining targets for building renovations. The first part took place on 16 November 2022 during the conference “Towards Climate Neutrality “. It was attended by 188 participants, including 20% from the financial sector. The second part on 8 March 2023 reached 44 participants.

Second Roundtable in Pomorskie Region – Poland

10 May 2023
The regional roundtable gathered 96 participants, including 27 from the financial sector. In addition to a plenary session the event included two parallel thematic sessions, one on financing of energy renovations in buildings, and one on financial instruments to increase the activity of individual investors and energy communities

Second Roundtable in Podlaskie Region – Poland

24 May 2023 – Hybrid
The event gathered 50 participants, including 15 representatives from the financial sector. It was divided into a plenary session and three parallel thematic sessions: Long Term Renovation Strategy; TERMO Programme; “Thermomodernization Loan” project.

Third National Roundtable in Poland

29 June 2023, Physical event
The Third National Round Table in Poland focused on three topics: Impact of EU taxanomy; One-stop-shop-services”; Support instruments for energy transformation. 33 out of 95 participants represented the financial sector.

Third National Roundtable in Latvia

1 June 2023, Riga
The national round table discussion focused on the development and implementation of a sustainable financing framework for energy efficiency finance in Lativia. The event was organized by the Latvian Environmental Investment Fund in cooperation with the Ministry of Economics and the Finance Latvia Association within the RoundBaltic project.

Third National Roundtable in Denmark

22 May 2023 – Copenhagen
The RoundBaltic project held its third national roundtable in Denmark on 22 May 2023. The purpose of the national roundtable was to bring together key actors for a dialogue on financing energy renovations in homes and transition to green heat sources, to discuss needed frameworks for the efforts and possible concrete actions.

Sixth Learning Event

29 August 2023
The particular scope of the sixth and final learning event is to display achievements and experience gained under RoundBaltic, incl. sharing the good practice and experience gained under the project intervention and how to ensure sustainability of future actions.