The Kujawsko – Pomorskie Voivodeship is located in the northern part of central Poland. It belongs to the provinces of medium size. It covers the area of 17 972 km2 (5.7% of the country’s area), and is inhabited by 2.07 million people (5.4% of the country’s population). The seat of government administration authorities (voivode) is Bydgoszcz, and the seat of self-government administration (voivodship sejmik) is Toruń. It is divided into 19 poviats and 4 cities with poviat rights and 144 communes.
The total number of apartments in the region in 2017 was 745.8 thousand, of which 67.2% were in cities (including 71% in the 5 largest cities), and 32.8% in rural areas. There are over 30,000 multi-family buildings and several thousand public buildings.
Kujawsko-Pomorskie is a voivodeship with well-developed agriculture, constituting the basis for the development of the food industry. It is an important national supplier of good food. It is characterized by high natural values and cultural wealth, which creates favorable conditions for the development of tourism. It is the second largest spa treatment center in the country and the second largest in terms of energy production from renewable sources. Protected areas, including those belonging to the Natura 2000 network, cover over 30% of the region’s area
The Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship does not have a document dedicated only to the issues of energy efficiency. However, in the “Strategy for the development of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship until 2030 – Strategy for Acceleration 2030+” one of the main operational objectives was “clean energy and energy security”. In the directions of development, the need was indicated, among others:
Many financial mechanisms are used in the region to support the implementation of energy efficiency projects, mainly regarding the thermomodernisation of residential and public buildings and the use of renewable energy sources.
The scale of changes in introducing low-emission heating systems and improving the energy efficiency of buildings is insufficient. The available funds and forms of co-financing the thermomodernisation of public buildings do not meet the needs, especially in rural and urban-rural communes. It is also necessary to develop financing and support schemes for the thermomodernisation of multi-family residential buildings addressed directly to housing cooperatives and communities, especially in smaller towns. In order to achieve the goals, investors’ knowledge of the availability of investment financing sources and advisory support for these activities are also important.
improving the energy efficiency of buildings and renewable energy in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship is the subject of several different proposals for financial support. Co-financing is offered by the Marshal’s Office, mainly under the ROP, Kujawsko-Pomorski Loan Fund, WFOŚiGW in Toruń and banks.
The government’s Clean Air program enjoys a great and unflagging interest in it, in which the number of applications for co-financing submitted to the Fund is one of the highest in the country.
In addition to Clean Air, the Fund offers other forms of support in this area, including as part of the Eco-Climate 2020 and Eco-Strażak 2021 programs, where Eco-Climate is aimed at, inter alia, to housing communities and cooperatives, local government units and SMEs, while Eko-Strażak is addressed to units of the TSO and local government units. Information on the best, optimal solutions in the field of EE and RES and sources of their financing is provided by the Team of Energy Advisors of the Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Toruń and at the Information Points of the European Funds of the Municipal Office.
The RoundBaltic activities in the region is managed by the Lower Silesian Energy and Environment Agency.
The main objective of the Agency is to support activities for energy conservation, environmental protection and sustainable development, to organize the exchange of experiences and cooperation between the members of the Agency, to cooperate with governmental and local government institutions in the field of creating the legal, organizational and financial framework in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie Voivodeship.