The Łódź Voivodeship is located in the central part of the country. It covers an area of 18,218.95 km². According to data from June 30, 2020, the voivodeship was inhabited by about 2.4 million people. It has the lowest forest cover in the country. The capital of the voivodeship is Łódź.
There are 46 cities in the Lodzkie Voivodship, including 3 cities with poviat status.
The total number of residential buildings in 2019 was 462,648. There were 1,032,240 apartments with a total area of 71,909,358 m2, 60% of which are located in cities. About 30% of the total number of flats was built in the years 1945-1970.
Due to the lignite resources, Bełchatów is home to the largest open-cast mine of this raw material in Europe. Although the voivodship considers a gradual decrease in the share of coal in electricity production, the Złoczew lignite deposit ensuring the maintenance of the Bełchatów power plant operation is still considered a prospective resource for this production in the Łódź voivodeship.
The Lodzkie Voivodship does not have a separately formulated energy efficiency policy. Many financial mechanisms are used in the region to support the implementation of projects in the field of energy efficiency, both local and national, refundable and subsidized.
The main problem is low air quality in the voivodship, which poses a high threat to the health of the inhabitants. The scale of changes in introducing low-emission heating systems and improving the energy efficiency of buildings is insufficient. The main reasons for this are the lack of sufficient financial resources and the uncertainty of financing.
In order to increase the pace of modernization, it is required to reach with financial instruments to urban-rural centers, where the level of thermomodersation is very low. In achieving the objectives can help raise awareness of investors on the availability of sources of investment
Currently, access to information about financial support is based on the activities of energy advisers at the WFOŚiGW in Łódź, European Funds Information Points (RPO), Business Innovation Center, Łódź Regional Development Agency, Foundation for Enterprise Development and many other institutions offering their individual offer.
In 2020, BNP Paribas Bank concluded agreements with national and European development banks (European Investment Bank – EIB and Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego – BGK) and launched two new energy efficiency financing programs for multi-family residential buildings (housing communities) and commercial buildings. As part of the ELENA program, managers can count on assistance from in the preparation of technical documentation, performance of an energy audit in three variants, preparation of an application to BGK for a thermomodernization bonus, technical assistance facilitating the preparation of investments and applying for funding.
AUIPE have been operating since 1997. We are a company specializing in expert and advisory activities in the field of energy efficiency and organization of educational and training activities in the field of renewable energy sources and energy efficiency.
Based on the knowledge of the market, rich achievements and experience, we offer the highest quality services related to effective and rational use of energy. We strive to disseminate and implement the best standards and practices related to the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency.
We support local governments in the implementation of tasks related to the planning and organization of fuel and energy supplies, energy management and the implementation of a low-emission economy plans.
We advise clients in the process of project implementation: defining the scope and shape of the project, selecting sources of financing and applying for funding.
We are a member of the National Association Respect for Energy and the Environment” (SAPE-Poland).