The Śląskie Voivodeship is inhabited by 4.52 million citizens. Half of them live in its center, in the unique SILESIA – Metropolis GZM, which covers an area of 2,500 km2. It is in SILESIA, comprising 41 cities and communes, that over 240,000 companies, generating approx. Polish GDP. The Śląskie Voivodeship is a total of 167 municipalities: 49 municipal, 22 urban-rural and 96 rural municipalities making up 36 counties. Energy – this is a word that is associated with Silesia in Poland and in the world, not only due to raw material resources (coal), but primarily due to the dynamics of changes in the region. The new “POSITIVE Energy” is now driven not only by the “just transition” associated with the distant European goal of climate neutrality by 2050, but also by poor air quality in the region. Silesia is exposed to the greatest air pollution in Europe. According to the list published in 2018 by the WHO, 14 Silesian cities were among the 50 most polluted cities in the EU
The role of local authorities in promoting energy renovation of buildings cannot be separated from the activities of the Silesian Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management, which co-financed most municipalities in the field of measures to improve energy efficiency, especially under air protection programs.
Many local governments actively organized and sponsored replacement programs for obsolete coal boilers, but it was the Fund that co-financed most of the thermal modernization of large multi-family buildings and the generation of measurable energy savings.
The Local Energy Policy Commission influences the activities of the Silesian Union of Municipalities and Poviats.
The municipalities focused on the local energy planning process and the development of their own competences by creating energy management positions and offices
The Silesian Union of Municipalities and Poviats has motivated the municipalities to tackle the local energy planning process and the development of their own competences by creating energy management positions and offices..
The cooperation between them, the local Energy Agency FEWE, has provided pioneering development of low-emission energy strategies (SEAP) and measures to reduce dust and CO2 emissions.
FEWE is an independent, non-governmental, not-for-profit organisation that has been active in Poland since 1990.
It’s mission is to promote sustainable energy management wherever energy is generated, distributed, and used.
The objectives are to support the rational and effective use of energy in the Polish economy, incuding – efficiently working with the state administration, municipalities, banks, and business organisations, as well as housing cooperatives, housing management companies, housing associations.
FEWE has a nationwide network of qualified engineers with experience in conducting building and technology audits related to energy efficiency in residential sector or industry.
The organisation posessses extensive experience managing and implementing sustainable energy projects at the international, national and local levels, which focus on: energy efficiency, energy policy and planning or energy auditing, M&V training.
FEWE has provided technical consultancy services on numerous WB, IFC, EU, EIB, EBRD-funded programmes.