
The Roundbaltic consortium is composited by four consortium members. 2 Danish partners, 1 Polish and 1 Latvian partner.

The project is coordinated by EC Network from Denmark.

In Poland seven regions are attached as third parties and in Denmark two regions are attached as sub contractors. Further the consortium cooperates with two regions in Latvia (please refer to the various countries in the menu above).

EC Network

Energy Consulting Network A/S (Ltd.) is a leading Danish company internationally within the field of energy. The mission of EC Network is to make a professional contribution to the dissemination of sustainable energy and environmental systems. Its competences comprise areas strategy, policy and management in general within the overall energy sector, strategic energy planning, renewable energy, district heating, energy projects at end-users (buildings and industries) as well as communication strategies and activities.

Gate 21, Copenhagen, Denmark

Gate 21 is a non-profit partner organization in Greater Copenhagen (90+ regional partner/members in Denmark) with a mission to gather municipalities, regions, businesses and knowledge institutions to develop and disseminate resource-efficient solutions that support green transformation and promote green growth.

ver the past ten years, has built a strong triple-helix organization and has become the common platform of municipalities, regions, companies and knowledge institutions for green solutions, green innovation and green growth in Greater Copenhagen.

SAPE, Poland

SAPE-Polska “National Association “Respect for Energy and the Environment” was established on the initiative of a group of people operating in Poland and internationally for the sake of respect for energy and the environment. The aim of the Association is to support activities for energy conservation, environmental protection and sustainable development, including cooperation with national and foreign government in the field of creating legal, organizational and financial framework to support above mentioned activities.

Latvian Environmental Investment Fund – LEIF

“The Mission of the Latvian Environmental Investment Fund (LEIF) is to promoting the implementation of environmental protection projects and also to increase the capacity of municipalities and commercial organizations in preparation and carrying out of qualitative and effective projects from their idea to realization. LEIF activities are directed to achieve the maximal improvement of environment, investing financial resources in implementation of environmental infrastructure development projects.”