Second Regional Roundtable in East Denmark – Private Homes
Financing of Energy Efficiency in Private Homes
Copenhagen, 25 May 2023
The purpose of the regional roundtable was to promote investments in energy renovations in single-family homes built before 1980. The objective was to look into how we can support and motivate homeowners throughout the renovation process and generate private investments through a One-stop-shop initiative
developed by 17 municipalities.
The meeting focused on a current ELENA application and optimizing bank advisory services for financing energy renovations. Concrete concepts and solutions were presented, including the role of banks in energy improvements in single-family homes.
The discussions contributed to concretize and qualify the intermunicipal one-stop-shop, aiming to discuss the framework for the effort and specific measures.
Cases were presented, and discussions were connected to national frameworks and initiatives. The event was divided into a plenary session and three thematic sessions.
Each session started with presentations from invited speakers, facilitated by a moderator to foster interactive discussions. A rapporteur was present to extract key conclusions and recommendations from each session.
Following the regional roundtable, follow-up activities will be undertaken to translate ideas and recommendations into concrete initiatives. The event had a total of 28 participants, including 2 participants working with financing, along with numerous municipalities.