Second Regional Roundtable in East Denmark – Social Housing

Second Regional Roundtable in East Denmark – Social Housing

Financing of Energy Efficiency in Social Housing in East Denmark

Copenhagen, 1 June 2023

The regional roundtable on Zealand was held physically and focused on energy renovation and efficiency in residential construction.

One of the main themes was financing and investment in renovation initiatives. Establishing transparent processes and financial models was considered crucial to motivate housing associations and residents to invest in projects such as solar energy. Communication and involvement throughout the process were key aspects highlighted. Discussions revolved around how to best convince residents of the benefits of solar PV and energy renovations.

A significant part of the day was spent discussing the role of municipalities in supporting energy renovations in multi-story buildings. Suggestions were made on how municipalities, through their supervisory role, could facilitate collaboration among various stakeholders and foster dialogue between energy communities, housing associations, and residents. It was also mentioned that municipal land use strategies could be used to promote the installation of solar panels and sustainable solutions in urban development plans.

The event emphasized the importance of collaboration and knowledge exchange among municipalities, public housing companies, energy companies, and other stakeholders.

Participants’ inputs and discussions have contributed to a broader understanding of the challenges of energy renovation in multi-story buildings and the need for a holistic approach that encompasses technical, financial, and communicative aspects.

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